The best price to buy Solenoid Valves

$26.57 USD See my Price

$137.18 USD See my Price

$1,256.29 USD See my Price

$1,099.26 USD See my Price

$30.94 USD See my Price

$478.65 USD See my Price

$45.04 USD See my Price

$240.70 USD See my Price

$184.37 USD See my Price

$114.23 USD See my Price

$100.34 USD See my Price

$261.39 USD See my Price

$190.26 USD See my Price

$320.41 USD See my Price

$1,284.01 USD See my Price

$54.71 USD See my Price

$106.30 USD See my Price

Solenoid valves are a type of special device whose purpose is to control the flow of liquids or gases. Due to their particular purpose, this class of valves are usually implemented in irrigation systems to open or close the passage of water, managing to do this task quite accurately despite being a small piece within a large mounted system. Given that solenoid valves are increasingly used and that there are as many types as shapes and sizes on the market, it is worth knowing more about this class of mechanisms and making use of them at the best possible time.

How does a solenoid valve work

Solenoid valves work directly with electricity, and can be remotely controlled by all kinds of switches (simple, thermostatic, high or low pressure, and others). Depending on the type of solenoid valve it is, it will work in one way or another, its main use being to control the flow of liquids or gases in an all or nothing way. As a general rule, a solenoid valve has two parts:

  1. The solenoid or electric coil, which is responsible for closing and opening the valve in question.
  2. The body of the valve, through which the gas or liquid to be controlled will pass.

The operation of a solenoid valve is based on the electrical current passing through the coupled coil of the device, thereby causing the coil to generate a magnetic field or magnetic force capable of moving the plunger located directly in the valve body. activating or stopping activating it in order to open or close the passage of the fluid to be controlled. It's that easy! Usually, when the solenoid valve is electrically charged, the system closes the passage of the fluid that is passing through the valve, the opposite occurs when the electrical signal is no longer received in this particular part.

What is the Solenoid Valve for

As previously mentioned, the solenoid valve is used to control the passage of liquids or gases from one place to another (depending on the where the valve is installed). Do not confuse the fact of controlling the flow with regulating the flow of gases and liquids, since the first word refers more to a simple switch that opens and closes the valve while the second word (regular) applies more to adjusting with what pressure enters or exits the flow through the particular valve. An ordinary solenoid valve cannot regulate the passage of anything, since it is only limited to opening and closing said passage remotely and automatically.

Danfoss Solenoid Valve

As you can well imagine, there are currently all kinds of brands of solenoid valves that are really worth knowing. Among these brands, one of the most outstanding is the one known as Danfoss, which provides a wide range of solenoid valves that are usually used for naval applications. Today it is possible to find Danfoss solenoid valves in two very common versions for the market:

  1. The direct acting valves that are usually used in systems with low flow capacity.
  2. The pilot-operated valves, which use a combination of coil and line pressure to actuate the plunger that allows or limits the flow of fluid.</ li>

As far as types of solenoid valves are concerned, it will also be possible to find another classification that focuses on the pathways that this particular part has, thus being able to find the following types of solenoid valves:

  • Two-way valves, this being the most common type of valve you can find.
  • Three-way valves, having one inlet connection and two different outlet connections. It's like joining two two-way valves into one!
  • Four-way valves, also known by the name of reversible valves. They are usually used in heat pumps and consist of three outputs and a common input.

Sale of solenoid valves

The internet has opened the door to a much healthier and safer connection with buyers and sellers of all kinds and from all over the world, making it possible to find the ideal product at the best price if you look carefully. This same positively affects the sale of solenoid valves, being able to find different virtual sites where you can get the valve you need at the best price and with the best quality. There are several digital platforms that sell solenoid valves from the best brands on the market, having a sufficient variety of valves that fit directly to what you need. And with that said, we can quickly mention those factors necessary to know which solenoid valve you should buy:

  • The line pressure, this being the one that will indicate how much energy the valve needs to work in addition to revealing the type of valve to use.
  • Speed ​​with which the solenoid valve should open, understanding that piloted valves are the ones that take the longest to open.
  • Required flow rate, size and number of ports, this needing to match the system where the solenoid valve is installed for high performance.

110v Solenoid Valve

The most standard version of the solenoid valve (leaving aside the type of valve it is), is the one that can operate with 110v electrical voltage, the most common thing for these valves being that they are used more daily in their own systems. of a private house or home. These 110v tubes are not even close to the most powerful or the most functional. Rather, they are the valves with the best quality/price ratio, being one of the most accessible precisely because of their simplicity and effectively control the flow of gases or liquids at low pressure. So, if you plan to buy solenoid valves in Spain and you don't know which one to lean towards, be sure to do a preliminary study and opt for this valve if it is for use within the home. Now you know!

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