The best price to buy Liquid Level Sensor

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What is a level sensor for liquids?

Liquid level sensors are components that activate an alert or alarm when the liquid inside a certain container reaches the maximum level. This device is installed in order to achieve automation for the filling of containers and, in this way, know at all times and in real time the capacity inside the container. Liquid level sensors are placed in tanks, reservoirs, hoppers, vats and others. Its operation, in general terms, is based especially on being a signal receiver capable of detecting the moment in which the liquid level inside has reached a maximum or minimum point. These devices also have a liquid level switch that activates and warns when the liquid level is not adequate. But where are they used? In any system, machinery or vehicle that needs some liquid for its operation. In this sense, this liquid can be a hydrocarbon, water (especially the cooling systems), machinery with valves, refrigeration or heating equipment and anyone who has to take care of the level of a certain liquid for its proper functioning. Thanks to this sensor, it is possible to automate both the filling process and control at all times of the amount of liquids that are inside various systems or equipment.

Buy level sensor for liquids: what to consider?

Liquid sensors have many and different applications. However, all of them are related and have in common that they are devices for measuring the level of a certain liquid in a container for some purpose. These are the main uses and what to consider when purchasing a level sensor for liquids.

  • Tanks and silos: in this case the sensors are very useful to know the level of water or other liquids inside them. In this sense, the person in charge of regulating or monitoring this can know the state (in real time) of the interior of these tanks without it being necessary to get on them and verify.
  • Civil works: they are used in this type of work because they are very useful for things related to filling or emptying water tanks or cisterns used for cement mixtures in the works.< /li>
  • Wells: This is a good way to monitor and control the water level in wells. In the event that these have water pumps, they serve to alert or disconnect it so that it is always protected.
  • Air conditioning equipment: The air conditioning systems can work with water or refrigerant and the level sensors indicate when everything is going well or if more or less liquids are required inside these systems.< /li>

Capacitive level sensor for liquids: what is it?

The capacitive liquid level sensor is the best proven and cheapest solution to measure and detect the level in equipment with liquids and also with granulated solids. They are available on the market for various equipment and transmitters for level measurement and control and switches for level detection. These devices also make it possible to measure the interface in various processes of the apparatus. The core of the capacitive sensor for liquids is an electrode that is capable of generating an alternating electric field that exits towards the detection surface. In this process, the granular solid object or liquid substance in the measuring field reservoir influences the electrical capacity of the alternating field. This causes the so-called capacitance to increase, that is, the potential to collect or let energy flow and this peculiarity is notified to the oscillator that allows knowing the state of the liquid or granulated solid inside a tank or deposit.

Types of level sensors for liquids

Within the liquid level sensors you can find many variants depending on the tank or reservoir or the machinery that requires it. Each of them use different measurement systems:

  • Float liquid sensor: this type of liquid level sensor is one of the most used for many purposes. Its operation is quite simple. It only requires a float or buoy that floats inside a tank. In this way, mark the point of the liquid level.

As soon as the water or liquid drops or exceeds the necessary limit, the buoy or float activates a level switch and this will give a warning so that corrective measures can be taken.

  • Pressure liquid sensor: Pressure liquid sensors are level gauges that are installed at the bottom of the tank or container. Its main function is to collect the relative pressure of the liquid to establish if its level inside is adequate for the desired purpose.

This type of liquid level sensor needs configuration prior to installation that allows it to be adjusted to the density of the liquid to be measured.

  • Bubbling liquid sensor: these level sensors incorporate a rod that reaches the bottom of the container and reaches its beginning. You can measure the level because the liquid in the tank will be moved by air passing through this dipstick.

In this way, upon reaching the lowest point, a pressure equivalent to the level of liquid contained in the tank is exerted. After this, it will transmit the level to the point of the pressure sensor to inform the person in charge of the situation.

  • Ultrasonic liquid sensor: this type of liquid level sensor has a system of ultrasonic emissions that radiate waves that when they bounce off the liquid are captured to activate the level sensor.< /li>

This rebounding ultrasonic signal is directly proportional to the distance that the emitted wave has traveled. In summary, detailed information is generated that accounts for the level of liquid contained inside.

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